17 y
Re: Efforts toward BO awareness in medical field
Thanks Mpdela,
The problem is it's the most embarrassing social problem, so I don't blame anyone not posting. Forums are vital to any site, but its a very inefficient way of collecting 'wisdom', and also forces the poster to 'come out', to a degree, Which nobody should need to do with this. This one has been going for about 5 years. I think a girl set it up herself as a cry for help (fecal
Body Odor . curezone must have added the other forms of BO to the title once they saw the hits). That said, I think any site needs a forum. For support they can't be beat. And some like posting. This must be the lowest poster/reader ratio of any health problem, for obvious reasons. Things like polls, at least the person can then interact anonymously and contribute to understanding. For instance the low choline diet ; say a TMAU site had a survey that those positive for the test could give an idea of how they were getting on anonymously. People shouldn't have to get involved in forums if they don't want to.
I think we need an official site and official fund, preferably under the umbrella of a trusted organisation. Webmd, as a 'bad' example. Something everyone would trust. Another idea, we also need to start persuading 'sensible' contacts in the medical world (possibly harder to find than anticipated). I'm rambling a bit now. recognition is the first stage, I suppose.
I suppose the main point is that it doesn't seem rare and so many may be suffering needlessly, and yet the medical world doesn't know.
It would be nice someday to get a politician on side, for example. Maybe we can someday all email someone that has influence, but I can't think of any.