Re: Efforts toward BO awareness in medical field
Hi 94042,
I have laughed so much with your response! I wouldn't mind at all accepting the title of BO Chief (lol), if it means giving people with metabolic
Body Odor a fighting chance to lead odor-free lives and to get a cure that not only would benefit them but also their children and grandchildren as well.
Seriously now, here are my comments to your comments. Feel free to comment on my comments to your comments to my comments(lol):
1. From this point forward, I will most certainly call it ‘metabolic BO’ because that says it all in only 2 words.
2. If only the world would join our new ‘Metabolic
Body Odor Syndrome Awareness Movement’, millions of people would come out of the dark to support it and to benefit from it.
3. If people with suicide tendencies are reading these posts, DON’T GIVE UP, WE WON’T, SO JOIN US to the degree that you can. If nothing else, just join us by reading all these posts. Who knows, maybe someday you’ll find the strength to participate and join in with your support. We’d love to hear from you.
4. For fund-raising purposes, we could most certainly discuss the underlying universal social motivator – economics.
5. I guess we just have to persuade the medical community to re-evaluate their knowledge of metabolic BO not limited to extreme liver damage or near-fatal conditions.
6. I also have a tendency to believe that there are answers to some of these metabolic disorders that would promote the betterment of humanity that are not being disbursed to the rest of the medical community. Perhaps with a loud enough “INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL CRY” from this forum, the international medical community will take notice, and someone who may presently have many answers will realize that it would be personally advantageous to him/her to try to find the way to share this knowledge – if not for the betterment of humanity, then for their own personal gain. This dilemma only reinforces the need to have a ‘Metabolic
Body Odor International Workshop’. I see it happening ONLY if people in this forum express support for it.
Thank you for being so supportive of this newborn effort. I hope we stay in touch.