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Re: juice fasting until dinner
Atomic-Blonde Views: 8,150
Published: 17 y
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Re: juice fasting until dinner

This is where it gets tricky. Ketosis is a mode your body goes into to burn off the fat stores in your body. You can pee on strips to see if your in it, or you can smell your horrible breath.
One thing that stops ketosis is sugar, and things that turn into Sugar once inside your body.

Basically you are only on a liquid diet if you are consuming anything with Sugar in it. You won't actually be losing fat stores. You will however be cleaning out your colon.
Everyone should be chowing endless raw foods when you are off fasting anyway... staves off the inevitable buildup..

But if you want to juice try vegetable juices, but good luck finding one without 900 kinds of preservatives , which fasting gets out of you. Self squeezed is a neat idea, but are you going to stick to doing it? It can get messy.

High fructose corn syrup, partially hydrogenated anything, and anything you can't pronounce is toxic and can actually make you fat and always feel hungry. These chemicals are designed for this purpose. Keep you consuming.

Salad bags yes... fruit juice or anything Sugar so...
If you must consume stay under 400 calories. A fast has to be strict or you are losing the spiritual part of it. Consuming should just be to stave off a headache or because of dizziness.

Green tea... chug it... get the tea bags and seep it in your fridge.. take a second to google it and see how good it is for you, plus it helps with hunger.

Stay away from sugar... otherwise you are just cleaning out ur colon... more or less. Low calories will always cause weightloss, but man watch the fruit... sugar sugar sugar



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