Re: Need advice
Hi pH:
Happy Pi day. I feel your pain. I have a 20 year old daughter who is also experiencing some of your symptoms and was on Lexapro. she figured out that this is not the cure, but went on another SSRI called Zoloft. sorry, I do not believe in drugs. They are just a money making tool. Nature makes every living thing with its program to heal its illnesses.
1. You definitely need to do Liver Flush.
2. Eat as much as raw organic foods with some cooked foods.
3. Glad that you do not eat meat. Heavy for you now.
4. I also feel like my daughter you could be hypoglycemic. This condition makes you feel depressed and like cotton in your head.
5. Buy a free blood glucose meter and measure your glucose on empty stomach, then two hours after eating and then every hour after that till you eat again.
6. If you have low basal temperature (below 96deg) then you have thyroid problem and can help yourself with
Iodine (Lugol's).
7. Oils are a good thing you are doing.
8. Take
Epsom Salt baths, good way to detox.
9. If you can walk 15 minutes everyday, that would be great.
10. Meditate if you can, with a four year old it will be hard, but you can try to calm your self.
I hope some of these things help you. My prayers for you.