Re: Day 4 - Muscle Pain - Any Oils or Creams you can suggest?
The first thiung I would try is a bath in Epsom salt. Do not make the water too hot though, that can be hard on people who are fasting. Muscle pain is often caused by a lack of magnesium. For a topical treatment, a CureZone friend recently taught me about Arnica tincture. This has worked very well for my chronic deep seated pain. She buys it at a Hispanic store, I cannot find it where I live, so I am not sure how readily available Arnica tincture is. Sometimes a simple drop of Lavendar essential oil will help relax sore muscles. It also helps promote sleep without drugs or herbs. Another natural way to address the pain might be a castor oil pack. Use a flannel cloth soaked with castor oil. Lay it on the affected part and cover with plastic. Cover with a hot water bottle or a heating pad and get quick relief.
One more suggestion is to add a little fresh lemon juice to your plain water to increase your magnesium intake.
I choose not to use black strap molasses. It may be mineral rich, but it is heavily refined with chemicals during the process of refining sugar. It is not a natural product at all. True molasses is the boiled down syrup of
Sugar cane. Black strap is not a true molasses. I suggest taking it only as a last resort.