momo, thank you for your response, it gives me much to brainstorm and makes me feel less insane to have asked my question. i feel like a hypochondriac, but know that the liver is related to just about everything so why not this? i have not cleansed my kidneys once during these LFs, because of breastfeeding interferring with taking herbs, am now wondering if i'm reaching a point where the Liver-Flush is too hard on me, as the ES is affecting me in more extreme ways all of a sudden. i wonder if flush #8, which cleared a "normal" amount of medium sized soft stones but a huge amount of sludgey stuff before it (slightly yellowish brown), could have released more than i realized. i am feeling a lot more emotionally settled this week than any other time previously after flushing, my next flush will be in one week.
i will look up cellulitis.