Re: Where are the mod's for MH's forum?
My stuff is the same all stuff over and over, not really fitting the round hole, more of a sqare peg type here. Not promoting any of those who are top billed is not going to get you too far and not being listed below as an avertiser doesn't help one climb the latter as well.
I don't make any fantasic claims, haven't authored a best selling book, don't have spiritual healing, etc., etc...and often wonder why so many have made this the top independant forum. I guess they like reading what a back road hill billy has to say or I at least provide a laugh once in awhile, etc.
Naturally I am too polite, even though many may say I am already too rude, but I have to hold back, if I didn't hold back people would really tune in, but odds are I wouldn't last long on the forums. I enjoy the ride and hope a few others do as well, many have made great contributions.