Re: Iodine testimony
I think we need to o back some pages since I made the Natural "Green" Tree Iodine extract and copy out the testamonies and put them to one file. I must agree, the Tree Iodine Extract gets more physical results than any herb formula I have made, expect the Liver Itch Formula.
The IODINE FORMULA is only about 10% of the Tree Extract Iodine, the other 90% is the best of the best and oldest and shortest in supply herbs I possess. This means your dated back to the original Bottom of the Barrel herbs, the herbs used in the current Longevity Spices, the odest formula I ever made, the 5 cabbage earth salt vinegar that is reaching 8+ years of age, etc., etc. so to say it was the tree Iodine in that formula is like saying we could find a needle in a hay stack at our own will. In fact, that formula would have many thousands of herbal chemical combinations.
I ONLY MADE a batch of 10 gallons and have a few bottles left. I am debating to make it identical again, or using more available replaceable herbs that I could lower the price on? If I made it origonal, I may run out of essential herbs before 50 gallons.
I KNOW a few people are DRINKING THIS FORMULA and I sale it as a REFILL BOTTLE for a 2 ounce dropper bottle and these select few are litterly drinking right out of the bottle and I LIKE THAT, but I hate that I raise the price as a refill bottle to the rarest formula I have. In theory a dropper a day would be GREAT! But a few say 4 ounces a day is BETTER!
I have been adding the Tree Green Iodine into the Syrup/Tinctures, I believe in it even more than OLIVE LEAF and anyone that knows me, knows I hold OLIVE LEAF up mighty high, just under Oregano Oil.
I NEED to develope an intire line of Natural Tree Iodine (Green extract) formula for kids to those over 100.
I admit, our largest problem is this: We average 3 orders per day in the good months, that satisfies us. We are not hungery, not eagerly seeking new business. Our one amish customer is enough to satisfy us, I basically work for him since he takes more than 75% of what I make.
My wife owns the business, I am retired. 30 years in the factory was enough for me.
When the boys get older we have no clue if they want anything to do with selling herbs or if there will be a market. Brenda has a helper or she could not do what she does now.
I have ideas and theories that keep saying make a few new formulas! I have often tried to reduce all herbs down to a few bottles, but that never seems to pay the bills. People like variety.
I have a new kidney/pancreas/heart/prostrate formula finished.
The pica is about the greatest mineral formula on the planet.
The Maximum Restore the best for sickness that needs expelled out the lungs/nose.
Pure Oregano for all to the most extreme.
Longevity Spices for circulation restoration using spices.
All the above to mix, but people have many differant taste and preferances. The capsules have their place, RAW HERBS have advantages because they are 100% natural.
We still need a plant fat formula daily and people just don't like that.
People in general do not like good herbal teas.
People want the absolute cheapest prices, so it does little good to seek to sell another's product, because people prefer to buy direct and save and who can blame them!
We can't avoid 2 bottle.
1 for water/alcohol soluable herbs
1 for oil herbs
I had a Longevity Formula based on this theoryand it never took off, I called it Longevity AM, Longevity NOON and LOngevity PM. I LOVED the THEORY and it worked expect the PM formula was the plant fat formula and people just don't stick with it.
I think I need to make a new website free of Dr. Christopher and Dr. Hulda Clark, etc. One based on the products I see as NUMBER I. It wouldn't mention anything but the products I see as the very best. The pre-cleanse and the pre-cleanse + is based on this theory and they are the 2 least selling products...mostly because of cost I assume. People like to pick and choose from a large list, I always get flack when I reduce the size of my product list, even though the poducts I remobed may have not sold for 2 years.
It is all FUN and wouldn't stop it!
Blessings to all,