Re: Urinary INFECTIONS = Frequency ? Beginning the experiment
I made soup... potato
...three carrots beet white onion
...the lower end (2 inches?) of a head of
Celery (optional)
...three cloves of garlic (optional)
...pot of water (six cups, or more)
Wash veggies thoroughly. Do not peel anything, except stem areas and 'spots'. Chop as desired.
(I fine-cubed the potatoes; medium-chopped the onion, celery, and garlic in the food processor; and coarse-grated the carrots and beet.)
Put all in pot and cook on low heat, covered, until tender. (I heated the water, then cooked on low heat for, say, one hour.)
My pot was inexpensive stainless steel.
I drank the broth (3 soup cups), with tiny pieces of butter and coconut oil, and some good salt.
Through the day I also had a couple of hot cross buns with butter; corn chips with lots of commercially-prepared mild salsa; the pith (white) of a large orange; and other 'stuff'.
That night I got up to pee three times...though less 'irritation' than usual.
The next day I ate the remaining cooked veggies from the soup for breakfast...with poached eggs, whole flax seeds, and a sprinkle of crushed dried dulse (a seaweed).
And, the urgency and frequency were GONE!
(When I awoke I felt like a new person! ...Maybe a little aggitated, almost aggressive...I had the world by the tail! That was about 12 hours after I last drank the soup broth.)
All day long I was on top of my urinary functions. (BM's weren't bad, either.)
Later in the day I ate like a king, including some broth from another pot of the soup, and some of the broth veggies with baked potatoes and butter, and pork spareribs, with barbeque cross buns...corn chips and salsa. (No orange pith.)
That night I got up to pee a few times. (I felt I had overdone it on the ribs.)
Yesterday I was back to square one, especially in the late afternoon! Still, I drank some more soup broth, even cold...and I polished off a small jar of home-canned salmon, adding some MAYO (gulp), and other things.
Last night I got up only once, and had what I would call a 'good' sleep.
This morning I seem to be on top of the urinary thing...but haven't yet had breakfast, by 10:30 a.m.
I don't know if the orange pith, or the mild salsa, made big differences.
Overall, this soup/broth seems miraculous, after 12 hours, calming tensions and irritation, alike. I recommend it.
But, there seems to be a need for moderation in other foods eaten, as well...particularly animal fats.
Oddly, I have been avoiding my usual 'green' foods...most notably cabbage, leafy salad, and some snap peas that are eaten whole.
I did have some fresh lemon juice on the salmon, but no or little olive oil...some hazelnuts and walnuts once in a while over the past few days.
The 'delayed' effect, after eating and drinking broth, has been interesting.
I have continued to smoke during this experiment, although I suspect this is also a source of urinary irritation.
I see that book on Urinary Infection is now in the CureZone PDF files.
I'll go get the directions on how to find it. Read this post again, when it's in here, won't you? There may be a connection to the two 'Leptin Resistance' books I've begun to read, too.
See also that forum.
Here's the link directly to that file...
(I'll post the way into PDF files in general, in the Ask CureZone forum. There's a ton of good info in them.)
I'd also like to point out that I didn't think of an 'infection' in my urinary urgency problems. I may have been born with it.
Good luck in sleuthing solutions, my friends.
That was a lovely day I had free of my urinary troubles.