I am not surewhat info gets sent out these days as I had several leaflets and newsletters. Did you read about 'what is a normal poop anyway'? was that in your info.?
this may not be explained well in what ever was sent to you. If you start with the F2 you may still need to use the f1, to keep the bowels moving as F2 can be constipating 'cos of its action.The action of F2 is to vacuum any old matter off the intestines then it has to move thru the system wuick enough to excrete toxins, other wise the blood will reabsorb it. there fore this might be why you do not feel any difference or just feel plugged as you say.
I only ever found that using the 2 together made any difference in the long term-but having a normal vegan diet with some juicing/superfood as well.
Have you read any of his old newsletters? on his web site?