I like your reasoning...
..."If it would do harm WITHOUT parasites, it would do harm WITH parasites."
I've done three rounds of Humaworm, with virtually no signs of 'visible' internal parasites, yet...but, on the first round I 'know' I received great benefit...probably from ridding myself of microscopics and toxins.
I feel better and better, still, and I will continue Humaworm 2 or 3 times per year, for the rest of my life. (I turn 70 next week.)
We are all at different levels of 'awareness', simply because of our experiences, and reading.
Everyone, read everything you can get your hands on until you feel confident of your own inclinations. Here and there, you'll hear opinions and experiences that will ring true, to you.
That's what everyone does, the world over, even if they have never thought about parasites or 'cleansing'. Eventually we all come to our own conclusions...and even change our minds sometimes.
We have the finest of 'computers' between our ears, better than mankind will ever create. And faster!
Many people on this forum have gone on to take Humaworm for the second and third rounds, and many people in R.G.'s family have been on it, 2 and 3 times per year, for their whole lives, since age two.
R.G., himself, has taken at least 100 rounds, since he was two, including his grandmother's original formula, which he has said 'would clean out an elephant'.
My experiences, and my intuition, agree, this is something I want in my life...permanently. And I was the most cautious person around here. I asked questions till the cows came home! Would you believe 1/4 capsule per dose?! That's what I did, at first!
I was so ready to stop at the first sign of 'Trouble'.
Within the first three days I was confident that there would be no problems.
I even learned what 'die-off' was like, and sensed that my own body would never take any more than it could handle...I can't tell you how happy I am at that discovery.
One of the saddest experiences of my life is that I can't help everyone I would like to, even those I love.
Yet, by continuing to love them, wish them well, and not 'confronting' them in any way, I feel somehow they will pick up the general idea, and find their own way to well-being. I support them matter what, as I hope they will support me. That's what we hope for from everyone...'cleansing' or not...regard.
That's how the world improves.
My best,
Hm-m-m...I see I have placed this post kind of out of order. But, you see what I am trying to say.