How many folks will continue to believe in "False" tales spread about by others Lacking in any "Common Sense"? How many people buy lies you're selling?
Could it have something to do with the needed amounts of Calcium and Magnesium in ratio to the amouint of Potassium and Sodium, along with the other needed Trace Minerals? NO. Unless these people are eating nothing but junk, we don't need a fixed Ca:Mg ratio. Imagine our ancestors who only ate when they could, what they could. The species would have died out long ago if we needed the balance %¤#&!§-imagines. When we consume too much of one (within reason) it gets flushed out of the system. When we are lacking, we tap our mineral reserves.
Top Quality Mineralized foods will have a High Brix reading containing enough Calcium and Magnesium to Balance out the amounts of Potassium to Sodium, thus making them of Top Quality ! Crap. Brix is about sugar not about Mg or Ca. The assertion that Brix reading in foods is realated to "quality" is sheer lunacy. There are many fine foods with all different ratios of Mg, Ca, Na, and K; the ratio of these minerals by themselves in no way determines the quality. Ca: Mg: K: Na 4.9 :26.4 :350 :1 1.3 :1.0 :22 :0 1.0 :1.3 :19.6 :1 1: 1: 523: 1 Can any reasonable person claim that one of these ratios is bad? These are the ratios found in bananas, apples, banana pepper and red tomato respectively. So which ratio is bad according to ML? Their sugar contents also vary quite a bit, so do their Brix values. Can any reasonable person reject one of these because it doesn't meet some arbitrary brix number?
But, when the food Lacks enough Calcium and Magnesium, but too much Potassium and Sodium, then the Food is of Poor Quality and will Cause Sickness and Disease to those who choose to eat these Poor Quality foods ! Lies. "Too much" of anything is bad. But as we see above many fine natural foods have varying contents and ratios of minerals.
And foods containing too much Potassium and Sodium will Decay and Spoil, This is also wrong. There is no connection between the amount of K or Na and spoliage time.
Natural Top Quality Plant foods must have enough Calcium and Magnesium to enable them to Dry down and "keep" vs Rot and Decay and Spoil, as those foods, which contain too much Potassium and Sodium and Nitrogen! Plainly stupid, like most of his ideas. Without decay many plants could not reproduce, a tomato has to rot for the seeds to find root, same for apples, oranges, peppers, and hundreds of other foods. Just by inspect the four examples above we see that ML is talking out of his ass.
For the Potassium Nitrate is a form of Funny Protein(NPN), which will make any who eat too much of it become Sick and Diseased Potassium Nitrate is not a form of funny protein. Again "too much" you can eat the perfect diet but if you eat "too much" it won't be good.
And "ANY" time the Potassium and Sodium ratios get too high against the Calcium and Magnesium Balance, "Death" awaits the one involved ! Another stupid lie from Moreless. Will "death await" in a banana because the ratio of K:Ca is 1:71? Death in a banana. Who about the strawberry where the ratio is 1.2: 1 : 17.2: 2.2. In this case the strawberry has higher ratios for the death bringing K and Na.
Funny Protein(NPN) may come in any Fruits and Vegetables picked too Green or those picked green and not allowed to vine ripen ! This too is a lie.
If we objectively analyse each of ML's claims we find that in each case they are factually wrong, in many cases self contradictory and patently ridiculous.