Are we doomed? are we fighting a war that can't be won?
If you are fighting them and she is not, the chances are your wormload is a lot lower than hers and you are more likely to get recontaminated from sleeping with her. It is one of those paradoxical ironies of life that those of use who have the least worms in our bodies, are the people who are shunned for having them. That is why I started making movies to educate people. Send her a link to this video and tell her that you aren't willing to sleep with her until she starts taking Iodine and does a parasite cleanse-
We deworm our cats. We deworm our dogs. We deworm the livestock. It is time for human beings to wake up and deworm themselves. I am tired of catching them from people if I don't isolate. I have to coat my face with cold cream to prevent demodex from hopping onto me when somebody hugs me. It is time for collective conscious effort. Death to worms.
It wouldn't surprise me one iota to find out that it's the darn parasites sending out mating and homing signals, that attracts other people who have them, to us. Read parasite REX. Much sexual behaviour is parasite driven. Here are the options of what will happen if you will be up front with her: She may already know and/or suspect she's got them because she can feel them biting her and making her uncomfortable, and want to join the battle. Or she may want to ignore and deny it. If she is young and healthy and her immune system is strong, she may not be ready to deal with them. If they are bothering her, she may want to go to the doctor get a prescription and be done with it. Ha ha. Don't we all. You will have to educate her.