Re: do some people find they cant take certain supplements because of their leaky gut/ibs/candida pls respond to this question people with leaky gut/candida
Re: do some people find they cant take certain supplements because of their leaky gut/ibs/candida pls respond to this question people with leaky gut/candida
start by taking alkaline minerals, trace minerals, all vitamins, and especially selenium.
someone in the moreless forum mentioned intestinew which has glutamine and nag. she told me to order that for leaky gut.
u know maybe your body cant handle the stuff you put in because of possibly parasites and a clogged bowel? are you taking anything daily for it to be cleansed?
im no expert so dont take my word for anything. I did alot of browsing, searching, and asking lots and lots of questions. possibly too many questions. *smile* but its for my safety.
These are just suggestions that you will take the time out to browse for further details.