16 y
Re: Please post it here Glax, I wanna hear too
jeff crow sells 5%
I've done 120 drops today and I feel fine.
It makes me cough and gives me a little diarrhea, is cleaning something out of my geniturinary tract that needs to go. I've had chronic bladder infections for years, that I've kept in check with thyme tea. The big doses are making my urine smell really weird and burn a little. The cough feels really deep and cleansing, like when you are finally getting over pneumonia and all the gunk is coming out for good. Only this is not big yellow honking gunk. It's just some mucous that has been hanging out in the bottom of my lungs since I was a kid. I am always glad when my bowels move, as I've suffered from constipation since I was a child. I'm going for a deep, deep cleanse. I'm also taking
Wormwood , Clear and oregano oil.
There is a rash on my stomach. It frequently makes a bump that stings and itches when I take a dose of
Iodine and
Clarkia . I put oregano oil on the bump and a huge area, much larger than where I put the oo, turns bright red and itches. Then another bump jumps up a few
inches away. I dose it and another bump jumps up in another spot. It is a jumping moving rash. What fun to chase it around. Don't know what I will do if it moves to a spot I can't reach. Run a help wanted ad I guess... Ha ha.