That is crazy cause I have been having that too. We just moved to a new place that had a cat living here. I cleaned the cat hair and a few days later started getting bites. I realized it could not be the cat hair and thought it may be from a comforter I had been using that was in our old cupboard that was now on our couch. I got it cleaned, vacuumed the couch but still got more. Then i went to go see an herbalist who told me i had candida. I had this in the past and had done a cleanse but I guess it was back in full effect.
I am starting a new cleanse, taking candex but they are still popping up. Did you ever find a solution to these bites? was it parasites? no one else in my house is getting them but once I caught a little bug on my neck but that is the first one i have seen in 1 month.