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to be clear, it's a novel approach
cslayer Views: 7,846
Published: 17 y
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to be clear, it's a novel approach

it's definitely new

some of these things have been taken on their own

I've tried all probiotics, and all failed. But, LGG is different, it has real scientific studies showing that it not only kills Candida, but also sets up a new environment in the body. If you read the product reviews about that culturelle or any other LGG product, you'll find ppl who have no idea what Candida is, claiming to be cured of candida symptoms. They didn't even know they had an overgrowth.

I think in a healthy person, LGG is 100% effective. But, many of us have underlying diseases that is creating the poor environment that allows Candida to grow in. This is where "moreless" is correct, in that we need to be alkaline and change our lifestyle.

But, my other items are to hopefully speed up the creation of that environment.

I've never seen someone take anti-yeasts, with a yeast, WITH LGG AND colostrum.


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