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Man on a mission: testing probiotics, anti-yeasts, yeasts
cslayer Views: 8,089
Published: 17 y

Man on a mission: testing probiotics, anti-yeasts, yeasts

So, here we go.

I didn't manage to find colostrum that was candida immunized, but found some other products that will help, including my #2 "cure" Lactobacillus GG.

This is what I ordered:
Jarrow Formulas, Saccharomyces Boulardii+MOS, 90 Capsules
Culturelle, Culturelle with Lactobacillus GG, 30 Veggie Caps
Xlear Inc, Spry, Nasal Wash with Xylitol, 2.25 fl oz (67 ml), 3 Pack
Symbiotics, Colostrum Plus Powder, 21 oz (1 lb 5 oz) 595.3 g

Now, lets see the reasoning behind my choices:
-Lactobacillus GG
Proven Candida killer, in many scientific tests, unlike the other strains this one is aggressive and unique in that it saves the elderly from major candida growth. I've posted about this on this forum.

Since Xylitol works so well on me, I will clear my nose and prevent Candida from climbing down into my mouth. Perfect systemic attack along with the probiotics. I believe many thrush sufferers actually have post nasal drip and what drips down on to the tongue..? Candida hiding in the nose. This is one explanation for why I can kill them with Cinnamon, and Xylitol, then they reappear.

This one has lactoferrin and 25% IGG, fairly good, not spectacular, but it has good product reviews. This is NOT Colostrum that has been immunized against Candida. I'm still looking for that, but it should work in synergy with these other 3 things.

-Saccharomyces Boulardii
Temporary displacer. It's been proven to take up space of Candida in the stomach.

The plan of attack is:
1. Use my current diet and body wellness to keep Candida down
2. They are down, but growing. Xylitol + Xlear attacks will hurt them. This (I've seen), temporarily hurts their growth pattern. Also proven in studies.
3. When the Candida is having a hard time growing, the Lactobacillus GG will be attacking them.
4. As Candida die, Saccharomyces Boulardii will take the passive role of taking up their space.
5. Colostrum will cause my system to go haywire, modulate/normalize the autoimmune damage that may occur during this battle, and also increase my immune system to fight and hopefully LEARN to continue fighting Candida specifically.

I'm hoping within the 5 steps that it triggers a response in my body to be vigilant against Candida, and create an environment it has a hard if not impossible time to grow back in.

I already have xylitol, and it seems to work great if I throw dash of it in water. My oral thrush is really really beat down, but can grow back ever slowly if I leave it alone. I don't use any anti-fungals, or antibacterials or anything other than fruits and xylitol to fight Candida, even though people claim fruits help Candida it doesn't for me. In an earlier post I noted that if I reduce sulfites (allergy) and even sulfates and sulfurs, all of them, I get the effects of being on strong antifungals even if I don't take antifungals/antibacterials. Basically, the Candida has a hard time growing unless I eat something Im allergic to or I start eating acidic food. I attribute this "wellness" to my treatment of hypothyroidism, but obviously it's not enough to completely win, and/or my thyroid pill dosage isn't high enough.

I also do a baking soda + lime alkalinizing drink.

I still do eat well and "anti-candida" style diet except I still have a lot of basmati rice & brown rice. If I removed these rices, could Candida vanish and would I be cured without this probiotic test? That's a possibility, and I don't see myself getting worse any time soon, so if these probiotic ventures don't work out, I will do that and hopefully win. I just want to see if these products, totalling to roughly $100 (not expensive at all! some of us have spent thousands already), will kill Candida using my "protocol" ^_^

I'm so close to being cured I can taste the Candida dying on my tongue..! If this doesn't do it, something else will, but for the benefit of everyone here I hope this works and we're all free. Big thanks to everyone that initially put up with my frustration, my oral thrush was realy bad back then in comparison.


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