I have a little boy is 27 months old and a newborn baby who is almost a month old. My two year old has been lashing out crying all the time, and wanting our constant attention. We are reading him storys and doing everything we can to make sure his needs are met. He gets to go the park and I am home with him. He still gets a lot of one on one time with me. I tried to wean him during my pregnancy becuase my milk dried up but Jacob still wanted to nurse for comfort even when nothing came out. Every time I've tried to wean him he refutes with full force and its a nightmare. So I figured he wasn't ready and I've kept going. I've tried to wean him 4 times now. At 15 months, 20 months, 23 months and I am trying again. Its very hard on me to nurse the new baby and Jacob. I am able to limit his nursings and sometimes I can distract him so he won't nurse. For instance I will grab a snack and his sippy cup and read him a story while I nurse my newborn son. When Jacob does nurse and I do let him sometimes when the distracting is no longer working he will then nurse for 5 min or less. However now he is waking up in the night and he has been sleeping through the night for a very long time in the past. Well now he is waking up in sweats screaming for me- ma ma mommy! I feel like my heart is breaking. I am doing everything I can so that Jacob doesn't feel rejected but it seems that he is still feel rejected no matter what I do. I am crying almost daily. I really want him to be weaned because nursing him is not the same anymore. I want to also be able to bond with the new baby. Nursing Jacob is no longer enjoyable for me for many reasons. I am trying all the tricks in the book and nothing seems to be working. I feel very alone.
Has anyone had children this close in age and how long does it typically take most kids to adjust to the new baby? He does kiss the baby and he is kind to him. Jacob seems to be taking out his frustrations on my husband and I rather than the baby. Any ideas? I feel like I am on a emotional rollar coaster and I even feel guilty for having another child.