Re: Iodine supplimentation
The post about what numbers the doc is looking at is a good one.
I never miss an opportunity to bash doctors that regard TSH levels as anything but novel, especially in light of thyroid hormone supplementation.
TSH is a feedback mechanism, that's all. In a healthy system, the TSH may or may not tell you something. When supplementing, you should be suppressing the TSH down to near zero. You are basically trying to shut off your irregular thyroid and replace the hormone by a consistent amount.
Additionally, the range that is acceptable for TSH is very broad and under constant scrutiny.
I try to push my supplementation so that my Free T3 and Free T4 are near the maximum levels without getting heart palps. The free hormones are what you are looking for. They represent the actual amount of hormone circulating that is available for your body to use.
Note that the T3 varies during the day. If you dose in the morning, the T3 will spike and then drop off during the day.
Also, you will get a better dose if you are taking your Armour sublinugally.
Ask for copies of your lab reports and keep them for your records.
Look into fasting to help expedite the detox, as your problems are most likely toxin related.
Iodine helps, but does not get all the nasty stuff that fasting will.
Diet is important so that you aren't re-toxifying.
Read Dr. Brownsteins Thyroid book, as well as some others such as his
Iodine book.