An attempt at simplification and clairifaction
In an effort to both clarify and simplify this discussion, let's take a look at drinking alcohol...
There is a legal limit for drinking and driving. Let's suppose that you want to get up to that legal limit. Let's also say that your beverage of choice is Vodka, and your mass is such that you need to consume 6
ounces of 40% alcohol to reach the limit. Let's also say that you need to finish your drinks in under 1 hour.
Now we can look at two different ways to reach this "therapeutic" :) dose.
One way is to pour "straight shots" and drink them down. If your shot glass is 1.5 ounces, you would line up four of them, fill them up, and drink them down. However, if your stomach is "queasy" or sensitive, you may make yourself sick.
Another way is to "dilute" the alcohol by making a mixed drink. Take 1.5
ounces of Vodka and dilute it with 6
ounces of orange juice. Now you have a drink that is a little bit easier on your stomach. Drink four of these mixed drinks and you are at the limit.
In both cases, you end up at the same place, and should probably let someone else drive, however, in the first case you consumed 6 ounces and in the second case you consumed 30 ounces.
When I hear of people gagging or complaining of the strong taste of a high dose
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement solution, I am reminded of the person doing "straight shots." Perhaps they would be better off getting some little umbrellas and trying a "mixed drink" instead.
Now, let's take this one step further.
The human body is capable of "processing" around 1 ounce of alcohol per hour. If we took our 1.5 ounces of Vodka and dilute it further by adding it to 16 ounces of orange juice this time, and if we consume this "mixed drink" over a 2 hour period, we could consume all 4 of our drinks (the whole 6 ounces of Vodka in 8 hours) and we would not make it to the limit. Our bodies would be "processing" the alcohol at a rate faster than we are consuming it.
I believe this is what happened when Jim Humble tried to help the malaria stricken people utilizing Stabilized Oxygen. The malaria was producing "bad stuff" at a rate faster than the production of chlorine dioxide from the Stabilized Oxygen solution. I believe this is what lead Jim Humble to the current concentration of the solution we now call
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . He realized that in order to knock out the malaria, he needed a higher concentration of chlorine dioxide.
MMS is pretty "nasty" tasting at higher doses unless you dilute it down to a manageable concentration. It is still effective as a diluted solution, as long as you take it in a timely fashion.
I hope this both clarifies and simplifies what we are talking about here.