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Re: Real Cause Here
SarahEJP Views: 2,471
Published: 17 y
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Re: Real Cause Here

You are not understanding that Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are NOT "different stages of the same disease". How ignorant. They are completely DIFFERENT diseases with different pathology, causes, and genetics. The are 2 totally different diseases that were mistakenly given the same name since they share common common symptoms.

Someone with Type 1 diabetes has had their panreas completed destroyed by an immune reaction. It is thought to be triggered by a virus. They need injected insulin to live. This happens quickly, and leads to rapid death if insulin is not given. Period.

Someone with Type 2 diabetes has insulin resistance. Many people with Type 2 can reduce their insulin resistance with weight loss, diet, and exercise.

 Go learn about Type 1 diabetes from a SCIENTIFIC medical forum before you start posting misguided information on it. I  hope you are embarrassed by looking so ignorant. You are too proud or lazy to do some research before you begin making yourself look uneducated.

Next, you're going to be saying that Asthama is the same disease as Cystic Fibrosis because they both cause breathing difficulty...



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