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Re: Misery, need encouragement
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Re: Misery, need encouragement

DEAR Moxie:)..:))

U CAN.. Ok? It is great that you feel that way - it means your body REALLY REALLY REALLY wants to get rid of this 'trash'. I know it feels horrible and you are just exhausted of the way u feel but just LISTEN to you body now.. help it.. help it by being patient and 'support' it in what it does... It will pass:)... Just try to relax and don't spend too much energy. Ok?:)....... I will tell u my own story of a Water Fast when I felt like to about to faint. I decided to Water Fast for some days. In 36 hh or so I started feeling just horrible. My mates told me I was very pale with a shade of something green (may be). I felt so weak that I just lied down and relaxed going with a flow... In about 15-20 min I felt HUGE relief. Like from nowhere I felt huge amount of energy. I even began breathing freely. It was just WONDERFUL feeling! During my long 10 days fast I didnt experienced that (unfortunately, I guess). But believe me, my dear, you have all chances to do it. The way u feel wont last for ages. It will pass in some time:).. But just IMAGINE how GREAT you will feel when it passes? As soon as ur fast is over HOW HAPPY u will be with what you see in a mirror... What people tell you every time they see you..:)

You will be fine, Moxie:)

SMILE, even being 'green' and keep going! Ur VICTORY is close at hand!;)





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