Re: Okay, I need help please...
Hi Lori,
so there are a couple things about when I read this reply. First off, I got VERY defensive :D. I thought what the heck are you putting your paws up (me putting mine up)? Then I realized because you were relaying my knowingness back to me. (I suppose I wanted something different).
Secondly, as I continued to read, I began to cry. Now crying is a good thing! Yet, sometimes it doesn't feel like it is.
I just got back from the tire store, when I read your reply. I have the money to pay what they want, I just didn't desire (not consciously) to pay for that expense!
At any rate, as far as your comment: "For the car, very generally, it seems you are not in control, your actions are hasty and careless (there's no judgment there, just observation)." You were head on, no judgments taken. It is what it is, what it is.
"" you are feeling weary and emotionally drained. Your goals are temporarily hindered and as a result, you are unable to progress forward.""
Yes, I am and the problem I have seen especially yesterday is that I am surrounding myself by people who 'hold me to my past'.
I need to fix the weariness and emotionalness. I am taking a sabbatical from the computer. I am taking a sabbatical from 'friends' as well as I can, from work.
Thank you Lori, your whole post was head on. Thank you for the no holds bar.
'See' you (and everyone) soon.