Hi, Beth
Well, the beauty is YOU get to figure out the true answers for all your questions and mysteries. Of course many people and processes can help you. It's great when you start finding your answers (as you have) because there are so in alignment with your energy (soul)...it all makes such perfect sense for you. So always remember, go with what feels right to you...we are all only making suggestions.
Your thoughts/feelings and direct life experience often leads us to our answers. I have found this true time and again. Everything is contained in your life...we only need to ask and be open.
So if you don't know, turn it around and ask yourself. Consciously ask yourself, what are my limiting beliefs in this area? What am I afraid of?
Maybe that is very general...so look at your life for the clues....
What are you **really** afraid of?
Are you afraid of losing your job, being homeless, relationships, money issues, etc?
Low back issues, also, are often, if not always, stemming from beliefs we've borrowed from our family/tribal consciousness. They are usually passed from generation to generation.
Like for me a true one may be "You have to work hard for financial support". Or "It's too hard to pursue your dreams, so forget it".
So look at your family too....OK, what are big family issues for your family...and more specifically, which ones do you get an **emotional** or *Mental* reaction from? Which don't you like? Which do you judge...? Those topics would be clues...
These beliefs don't show themselves overnight, always, either. I have been 'waking up' for a few years now and I said in a recent post, repeated some limiting behaviors several times, getting more and more insight every time...that's just been my experience, yours may be different.
For the car, very generally, it seems you are not in control, your actions are hasty and careless (there's no judgment there, just observation).
I sometimes interpret real life like a dream, for to me it is, this is what flat tires may represent and it sounds like it may be right on...
" you are feeling weary and emotionally drained. Your goals are temporarily hindered and as a result, you are unable to progress forward."
Maybe just giving yourself a break right now, too, is in order.