wow thats great. im glad its working for you. im glad i made it drug free because i am still in pain with my leg and back so i would still want pain killers. if i ever go back to work i will need something for atleast a month.
i was given some ultram or something for pain 2 years ago. i took 1 pill and lost 2 days of my life, i have no idea what happened tuesday morning to thursday night. they were not pink percocets so i had my mind set that they were not going to work, i must had took 2, i woke at the foot of my bed in a blur.
i think im done with depression, so i want to go back to work, i will need pain killers before i even search for a job because i know that walking more than 5 minutes causes all kinds of pain.
one night it was raining and some friends and i went out to a show, we had to stop about 5 times because my legs and back were like lead. they were laughing at me saying come on but i could not walk.