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HELP! I'm still hungry on day 5 of fast! What am I doing wrong?
sofaeater Views: 9,985
Published: 17 y

HELP! I'm still hungry on day 5 of fast! What am I doing wrong?

Here's me:
120 lbs, 5 foot 10 inches, male (pretty skinny)

Lately I've been feeling depressed and generally fatigued. I eat generally healthy food, with a few yummy desserts. I'm 18, what do you expect.

So, fed up with my mood, serious lack of energy and near constant nasal congestion and mucus, I begin my first Master-Cleanse fast: 10 days. It is to cleanse the toxins which I am sure have built up in my body, and to restore my energy and to cut down on unhealthy cravings. (I REALLY enjoy food.)

Night before: laxative tea
Day 1: fast begins. I am drinking about 6 lime-ades a day, following directions to the t. Lotsa cayenne.
Day 2: In the morning I feel realllly weak.
Day 3: I feel better, but very hungry
Day 4: Energy is low, but i can live with it. Still hungry.
Day 5 (today): STILL hungry. Isn't my digestive system supposed to shut down? I know have nothing in my digestive system. I've done 3 lax teas and 2 Salt water flushes, and all that comes out now is yellowy water.

What am I doing wrong? Am I too skinny to be fasting or something?


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