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Being fed up isn't good enough.
MtnnnDewww Views: 1,937
Published: 17 y
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Being fed up isn't good enough.

I want everyone who wants to "cut to the chase" of illegal immigration to read this and really take it in. You've got to take it to the next level. Whatever "the next level" means, and I think we all realize we're at a generation and cultural crossroad. It may be too far gone, that is a real possibility. Have we all been so soft that we have reached a point of no return? Are we too content to fight? Yes. This generation is too content to fight. Don't rely on anyone of this present generation to fight for America. We all must face the reality that we've traded cheap labor for future generational security. We've financially leveraged our kid's futures decades ago...why is this any different? Just a different category of neglect. Your comments are factual but you're preaching to the choir. Most people out there who will fight and take it to the next level aren't in agreement with you. The fighters are on the side of the illegals because they have nothing to lose, everything to gain. That's a formidible foe. You take a mostly fat and happy white majority who in many aspects of life depends on Mexican labor to maintain their machine, their status in life. If they don't have to be burdened with massive pregnancy rates of Mexican illegals, and if they don't have to send their kids to crowded public schools...they will not fight. It's in the white American's best interest NOT TO FIGHT.

One of my business concerns is government landscape contracts. Big time government contracts where the illegal immigration mess is front and center. I know all the players. I win bids by undercutting the big guys and their overhead. It's not for the weak because you've got to undercut MEXICAN LABOR in order to win the bid. You've got to know exactly, to the dollar, what you're doing or you'll never make it. You think these massive companies I bid against could survive without Mexican labor? Not a chance. Black and white American labor WILL NOT DO THE WORK A MEXICAN NATIONAL WILL DO. Everybody reading this MUST get this in their head. Black and white workers at this labor level are not desperate enough or willing or whatever you want to call it to do the equivalent labor needed these days to make adequate overall net profit. 100% fact. And nobody, I mean NOBODY, is making minimum wage on these crews! Urban myth. Even illegals are smarter than that. There are jobs in my country that American people won't show up to do. I've heard stupid, stupid people say that the illegals are taking away jobs Americans are willing to do. Absurd lie. Those are brainwashed fools. What do you tell the businessman who has 79% of his labor unable to speak proper English, but they all show up to work on time, take the allotted lunchbreak, do what is asked of them, and return the next day for more? See, there's what I mean by taking it to the next level. White Americans, and we all know that's who owns business in the country so let's talk straight...white Americans will not let go of their labor for any reason short of jailtime. You know it, I know it, Bob Dole knows it. The current generation of business owners, and there are so many who depend on Mexican labor...restaurants, drivers, laundry, produce fields, construction, nurseries, on and on and on. If your house payment depended on hiring illegals or not...would you be so stern in your opinion? Well, would you? That's exactly where you should target your efforts.

I'm not going to live forever. There's gonna be a time when the next in line must solve their own problems, no matter if we caused them or not. You know, a past American generation caused slavery, a problem in which I now have to deal with the fallout. Did they care about me when they were treating blacks in a horrible manner, only to cause future generations to become bitter and militant at me, someone who had nothing to do with it? No. I doubt they worried about future problems to come. You now want the present generation to worry about 2050????? Good luck with that...



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