17 y
Re: Are you ready? by MH
It may explain why the USA is "whited" out right now and for the next few days with rain/snow/clouds border to border.
I can confirm that, we have has cloudy days for a good time now.
OR, what if a rock is coming in and the hoax about a satelight needing to be shot down is just a cover up?
Some people in Japan in world war II had this experience when the usa dropped a surprise on their city, I doubt 1% was looking up to see their jesus return and take them home.
Are they returning the favor, cause and effect?
Big Brother watches everything and when he doesn't want to be seen, the chem trail jets make sure a blanket covers our eye sight. YET, when the astronauts came back to CRASH over Texas, big brother made sure the world knew in advance, the skies were clear and enough cameras to cover all the action, same with 9/11, etc.....seemed like a preorchastrated play for al to watch.
I may get a view my cloudbuster has a big hole over my area
Regardless what is true or false, the governments are up to no good today and they have laid down cover in the skies so we can't see the show!
Wow talk about fireworks, this will be great!
All this rubbish, cant everybody just eat fruit, live in love, and create natural technology and preserve the environment? We all underestimate the true feeling of living after we stop a oj or fruit fast.
Hail to the Fruit!