Re: Are you ready? by MH
They sure are bringing the shuttle down
post-haste. Its landing as I type...
It has been suggested that the meteoric(?)
object sighted over Spokane Washington
could have been the satellite. It was a
huge fireball~~
Surely though, the American public is no
longer "in the loop". We are the ones who
seemingly are considered almost an enemy.
We are treated, not as individuals, but
as numbers. It makes sense to me that they
would use any opportunity or make one up
to justify a Starwars defense mission.
The superpowers are all thinking seriously
of taking their differences to outer space.
Its a shame...
I find it comforting that, "like a thief
in the night", or the "twinkling of an eye",
Christ is coming back. This would be the
ONLY thief welcome in my home. :)
Am I ready?? I would like to think so, but
surely it will be so different from what we
can imagine that it will be something like
we have never seen before. I do not like the
feeling it is like a bad B class movie. I
am sure when the running masses come up over
the hill, I will be laughing~!