Actually, chelation is done with an amino acid - edta - which is found naturally in the body, so it is considered a natural treatment.
Many supplements do claim to remove heavy metals, but really don't scratch the surface. Heavy metals collect in the body during our lifetime and don't excrete easily...most are there forever without radical intervention like chelation iv. When you find out you have a toxic amount of a heavy metal poisoning your body, you want it gone asap and a few pills just won't affect metals in toxic amounts. Thank God I am now free of those burdens...luckily, the process rids you of ALL dangerous metals from mercury to lead to aluminum in one fell swoop.
However, having tests available should make it easy for anyone to embark on this new study or any other supplement at home, taking the test before and after the experimental treatment.
Thanks for introducing me to a new theory I hadn't heard of.