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Re: High Colloidal Silver Dosage for Candida Cure?
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Re: High Colloidal Silver Dosage for Candida Cure?

This is exactly what I've been trying to tell the current posters on this forum for over the last month...

However before you can "cure" candida (candida never leaves your body, ever, as it resides naturally within your intestine and thats where you are aiming to make sure it goes back to, and stays there under control by beneficial flora, as it was before you became poorly) you have to resolve your leaky gut (if you have one) before using Colloidal Silver .

If you dont resolve your leaky gut before using Colloidal Silver , all that will occur is a constant fight for aslong as you take the Colloidal Silver as the candida will keep coming up from the intestine into your blood supply, however consuming colloidal silver will alleviate the symptoms during the fight. The risks of using colloidal silver (developing argyria is the only risk) are minimal if clean/safe colloidal silver is produced (use distilled water and dont add salts) however if you commence consumption before resolving your leaky gut you will inevitably end up using it a long time.

The best way to deal with this situation is to follow my protocol as it is simplicity itself and only involves taking colloidal silver for a few weeks.

1: Resolve leaky gut. (Healthy diet, colon flushes, slippery elm, marshmallow root, chlorella and most importantly kefir grains (not the milk, just the grains unless you can tolerate the cultured milk.)

2: High dose colloidal silver for a few weeks... you have to assess your own progress as the events unfold, and consume loads of anti-oxidants during this period.

3: Stop colloidal silver when tongue is going/gone pink and symptoms are alleviated (make sure you continue to consume colloidal silver for atleast a week after tongue goes pink) then continue by consuming loads of KEFIR GRAINS for 2 days then add a little cultured milk on top of the grain consumption.

You should stay on a low GI diet for the duration of the protocol, and it is also important that you view your personal health from a holistic perspective, so to say, focus on every aspect of your body... liver flushes, acid/alkali balance, positive mind etc.

For what its worth I bought a colloidal silver generator manufactured by SOTA Instruments as it also doubles up as a silver pulsar. People here seem to report the silver puppy producing safe colloidal silver so thats great, however I can only comment on the unit I bought which has been well worth the minor investment for me.

Since I regained my health I can use colloidal silver for other minor problems and it hasn't affected my intestinal health or beneficial bacteria because I'm constantly topping up with kefir grains and kefir culture. Once you get to the consuming loads of kefir grains stage (after the high dose Colloidal silver stage) and/if you develop candida symptoms again it is ok to take smaller doses of colloidal silver just to kick down the candida albicans whilst continuing to consume loads of kefir grains. I suggest if you have to take colloidal silver to kick down any re-occurance that you should take the colloidal silver during the morning, and leave it atleast 4 hours before consuming the kefir grains.

One last point, I used colloidal silver before stage 1 in my protocol as I couldn't bear the symptoms any longer and needed time to mentally regroup whilst I regained my intestinal health. What is important is that you begin to taper off the colloidal silver dosage as your intestinal health returns prepairing for stage 1 of my successful protocol, assuming you decide to use colloidal silver before stage 1.

Best of luck.



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