I just wanted to update my question about success for candida with high
Colloidal Silver . I never did find great info anywhere in regards to success. Just a lot of people saying, "be careful, you'll turn grey." I find that annoying and doesn't answer my question of success. My questions didn't ask for opinions. Anyways, I digress.
I did have success treating my husband with high doses of
Colloidal Silver . No, you will not turn grey or blue. That is a bunch of garbage meant to scare you into buying from the pharma companies. I bought a generator with an air pump and produced about 30ppm
Colloidal Silver .
We chose this route because my husband had outside symptoms of candida as well as internal. He had nail fungus, jock itch, athlete's foot, and sometimes transferred to his hands. He had this since he was 8 and he was now 42. Internally he was bloated constantly, lethargic after meals,
food allergy to pork that developed later in life. No natural remedies worked. I did neem on the feet, silver, internally some of the big guns on the homeopathic list and they didn't work.
His doctor gave him Nystatin for the athlete's foot (which was ugly). The die off from that was extreme for about a week. Dizziness, nausea, fatigue. He was so sick even before the nystatin that he was grey instead of brown.
The nystatin was not enough to kill the infection. He did notice he felt better after about a month on the stuff. But after his 2 month course was up, he started getting sick again. He said it was coming back with a vengance.
I gave him 2 cups of the colloidal silver everyday for 6 months with molybdenum for die-off. He said his die off symptoms were not as bad when he was taking it. He did notice his urine was cloudy for a few weeks, jsut like Trapper said also. At the end of the 6 months we brought in the pau de arco, garlic, and neem in rotations.
I started treating him for leaky gut with a lot of probiotics, lacto-fermented veggies, strict on starch. We added in HCL with bromelain for parasites, which almost everyone has, especially those with immune issues, leaky gut or candida, kids, and elderly. We also added in NAC, MSM, and seacure.
Everyone in the house is getting routine worming now with pineapple, garlic, DE, and pumpkin seeds twice a year. I started asking my kids about pinworm activity on their rear ends. They said it has been there so long they thought it was normal to feel things moving at your bottom. So we all get a 3 month round of treatment of 10 days on 5 days off, then twice yearly for maintenance. I figure if they tell you to worm your dog twice a year, why should we be any different?
His bloating has gone down drastically, he feels better, no longer looks grey, and has energy for the first time in about 15 years. this is only less than 2 months on the leaky gut protocol now too.
Yes, high doses of silver work well if you are done with other methods. I also did add in a lot of homemade probiotic drinks. We did silver morning and afternoon, probiotics before bed. I'm sure I'm missing things that we did, as it was a lot over the last year and a half and only silver and nystatin actually got us results.
I hear many other people saying you have to treat leaky gut before you can treat candida, but that didn't work for us. My husband's candida had such a strong hold on him and had been there for so many years, his body really couldn't heal from anything.
His liver was fatty like beginning stages of cirrhosis, had high blood
Sugar and was on his way to diabetes, he couldn't lose weight even when following a strict diet and exercise program, cholesterol and high blood pressure would not lower no matter what. When we started the silver all of that changed for the better. Now his cholesterol and liver enzymes just fluctuate with weight, which is pretty normal.
We are keeping a close eye on this and working hard at it, so I will update as things change. Hopefully this can help other people cure themselves too. It's been an expensive and frustrating trial and error experience for us.