Enzymes, Terminal Nutrition. Live vs Cooked Food
Hi Doc,
I know it takes a lot of thought and good reasoning to put your program together.
When a person is really sick and also scared, sometimes it is difficult to put all the pieces together even though the reasoning is already there in their heads to begin with.
I see lots of controversy about meat eating vs vegetarianism here. I am wondering if the controversy is coming from some thinking that good food is live food, but still not understanding the need for good protein supplementation when a person is trying to save their life in the "terminal nutrition" part of the game here.
I see reason for needing both enzymes from live foods and protein from meat in your "terminal nutrition" part of it.
Maybe the controversy is coming over that. A person also has to get good protein on an ongoing basis, tho, too, to keep their body built up and in good working order.
The quality of food is really bad these days. Basically, the only good food even for vegetables is organic. Our soil is just so depleted in necessary nutrients, especially selenium, which is the good cancer fighter, anyway.
Back to the "terminal nutrition" part of it. My personal experience is that I probably did not do as much juicing as was necessary at the beginning. The "innate" thing to do was to eat "comfort" foods. I know that is NOT the best nutrition for a body in real danger, nutritionwise. However, I did drink a lot of the apple cider without really realizing that I was actually doing a lot of the enzyme stuff. Fruit juices are cleansing while vegetable juices are supposed to build up the body. I was drinking mostly fruit juice, namely the apple which was in season at the time.
It seems like this is a controversy that will go round and round in circles, but I wondered if you would straighten it all out by adding a few comments here regarding the live food enzymes AS WELL as adding meat to the diet when a person is trying to build up the body from a very sick state of affairs. I know, it is basically obvious, but I think some of us, initially, missed the point.