Re: Chronic Body Odor issues
I want to say thanks for replying to this post. But no it is not all in my head, my nerves or thinking. Unless you walk a day in my shoes. Go through what I have to encounter on a daily basis then you would understand, feel and know it is not my nerves, in my head or thinking. Certain individuals on a daily basis constantly every second, minute and hour tell me I smell bad. They never let me forget it. By blurting out comments or insults, whispers, stares, holding their noses, and most of all constantly avoiding walking pass me. Plus I overhear a lot of comments made about me. Which they do on purpose so I can hear them. And they all have to do with I smell bad. If I do have a problem with anxiety and
Depression its because of all the ridicule over this issue that I'm going through. Especailly at work and in public is where I go through it the most. I had a friend, another individual confirm truthfully and honestly that that is the way everybody feels about me. So like I said it is not all in my head, my nerves or thinking. But I believe and I have strong faith that I will overcome this. I know I will and others will too. I'm going to be happy, love who I am, pray and hope for the best. Because I know I will overcome this.