Hey Nemi,
Surfer27 here. How's it going? Well, I hope that you are hanging in there!! I know how tough it is everyday, just to get up, because it feels like a bad nightmare, only, it's not. Anyways, um, I have heard of a report by 2 people on curezone who've tried and tried alot of things for their fbo issues. Both of them found out, that it was somewhat related to digestion and constipation. One person took a product called Betaine HCL, perhapes you've heard of it? Maybe not, anyhow, this person had had some success in noticing their fecal
Body Odor diminish quite abit. The second person, mentioned that they smelled like feces, farts or like sewage. That person had tried this product called Turkey Rhubarb Root Tea and noticed quite the difference!! I don't know if this'll help you or not, but have you taken these things before? Also, if you have the money, I would invest it into these products and give it a shot. I personally haven't tried it yet, but in another day, I will trying out the Betaine HCL for my fecal
Body Odor s. I will let you know how that goes, if you want. Okay, gotta go but I hope to hear from you soon!! Take care.