And the sad state of affairs in most all of us here that have the desire to learn what we can, and now know the seriousness of all this--have been in seriously compromised health situations because of all this. It's a survivor instinct and strong desire to do whatever we have to to never let it happen again, and now know that it's preventable.
"Healthy people" that have never been through serious health issues we have been pulling ourselves out of, don't see the point, and think we're just alarmists and "kooks".
Sad huh. Especially when we CAN see the preventative things that can be done to head off a whole host of unnecessary health problems- most especially in the kids. Kids could be easily cleaned up of parasites---convincing the parents of the necessity and the need to clean their own selves up, and learning some awareness in what can be a causes of parasites is the thing that's the hardest.