80180, Need your help in finding the source of your article on parasites
Unfortunately, this daughter in law is going to be the "intellectual" type that isn't going to be willing to take heed "because medical Dr's don't say anything about parasites causing things".
I have been trying to find the source of your article you posted below- do you know if it came out of a book? I have it printed off that you posted, but I know she's going to want to know where it came from specifically.
There's all kinds of books on parasites I'm finding, and I know they are all worth reading- the unfortunate thing about the way alot of people view Clark is that they think she's just a "hippie nut case", and I agree with you- in all the research and case studies she's done, parasites ARE a health threat and are the cause of so many of the things that people are told are uncurable. Dr's don't treat the cause, they mask things with drugs and treat the symptoms.
I was just now trying to find the source again of the article so I could get the book if it came out of a book. I found a book called "The Parasite Menace" and I'm wondering if that's where this came from. Hoping you know, or can give me the website information of where you found it. Thanks!