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MMS and Cancer Marker Update
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MMS and Cancer Marker Update

Dear All,
Followings were my previous posts:
[This was my post on 1-8-08:
"I have been taking Miracle-Mineral-Supplement for ulcerative colitis for past 20 days at 5 drops a day and have seen very little/none improvement for which I want to go slow.
The real reason for the post is my mom's Breast Cancer in her left breast about 3cm. She has started mms with cancer protocol. She is at 18 to 21 drops a day. She had lots of D and nausea. We thought of checking cancer marker CA 27.29 and we did and the results are 86.8 on 12-28-07 and 96.8 on 1-7-08. The mms was started on 12-19-07.
The question is the increase in the reading. Why? She is scheduled for chemo in a couple weeks. We are very much in disappointment."

Following is the update as of 1-24-08.
My mom is at 6+3+3+3+3+9 drops a day for past two weeks. She had done another CA 27-29 blood test on 1-22-08 and the reading came out to be 87.4. I am not sure weather to call it a improvement for sure. She is also taking the Indian Herb at dinner time only. She has stopped seeing the oncologist for chemo for the time being.
I am at 3+5 drops and yet to see an improvement. My mom stays with me and I am looking for improvement in her situation first. We may continue with the drops and increase a bit for her and then check again.]

My mom had another blood test on 2-12-08 and the reading came out 91.2. She is at 3+3+3+3+3+3 drops a day. She could not handle more drops. She is thowing up, big D and lots of weakness. She was on the Indian Herb but she has stopped since last few weeks due to heavy nausea. At the 18 drops a day she does not have nausea, very little D. Just to keep the track, the readings are 86.8, 96.9, 87.4 and 91.2. I did not see any improvement. Please help. Can she increase the drops and take Imodium(for big D), Tylenol(for strength) and something (?) for nausea. We want to increase the drops and control these symptoms at the same time.

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