Re: cleansing and AC1 test
Hi, after reading your message I just wanted to tell you that my brother who was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes with a glucose level of 348 is after less than months of natural therapies his glucose level on his last test was 100. Diabetes can be fully reversed, the faulty blood
Sugar control system can regain its normal function if you give your body the right tools to work with. The first article I read when I was researching diabetes looking for alternative answers was "Our Deadly Diabetes Deception" this article opened my understanding as to why diabetes has become a chronic condition, because of greed on the part of the medical profession as well as the pharmaceutical industry but it needen't be a chronic conditon, please read the article on the following link
After my extensive research on diabetes I found the real cause of diabetes type 2 and it is the ingestion of trans-fatty-acids which make the cell membrane insuline resistant as it changes the physiology of the delicate membrane of the cell, the trick is to detox your body and give the cell membrane what it needs essential fatty acids such as omega 3 etc from fish oil, flaxseed etc. this healthy fats are a must in the treatment of diabetes.
Plesase get into the links I give you further on and you will find lots of really good information that will give you a head start in your own healing, beleive that all of the information given on those links work like a charm. I will now tell you what my brother was on during his treatment:
about 80% raw food such as fruits and vegetables. wide range of raw vegetables. raw garlic and onions daily with at least two meals also cayene peppers (chilies) everyday. Olive oil with all the food was a must, it had to be unrefined, cold press virgen olive oil
about 20% cooked food. He consumed either boiled chichen or steamed fish, two pieces of wholemeal bread daily (because he couldn't do without bread)
He drank lots of water with lemon juice during the day and also had lots of herbal teas that are know to lower glucose and cholesterol as well as tonifying and detoxifying the liver (most important)
He used stevia as a sweetener, this herb is known to lower blood glucose levels
He tried to consume the fruits and vegetables that had low Glycemic index
As for supplements he had B complex, chromium, wild salmon oi, multiminerals and the very important Glyconutrients which was prepared at home here is a link for the recipe
By now you must overwhealmed by so much info, please explore the links given below you will find your cure I have no doubt. A book I strongly recommend is the Death to diabetes by DeWayne McCauley the links to his book and video are:
Here are some very helpful links
(few videos within this website)
Best of luck