Re: someone PLEASE tell electric mind.....
"Personally I tried garlic, both raw cloves and supplemental garlic
and can't say it did much for me but you'll notice I'm not on some crusade
against garlic (or UT) because they've been helpful to others and WHAT WORKS FOR
My initial run with garlic was that it kills prostate cancer in the Petri
dish. Having had prostate cancer I really got into garlic and when I'm
consistent with it - I don't get colds. I went for more than three years
without a head cold or the flu - until I quit taking garlic and within about
three months got a cold. Before garlic colds were 2 and 3 times a
year event and flu was at least every other year. Haven't had the flu in
over 10 years. As for parasites, I should have them by the gross from my
extensive time in Asia, Mexico, Russia, and the cancer which has not been allopathically
treated. Per Hulda Clark I should be swimming in liver flukes.
My point regarding death and MMS goes beyond that statement. The point
being that there is no medical follow up on anyone taking MMS - so we don't know
what kind of adverse reactions there have been.
Here's an excellent portion of a post on another thread of this board:
"First of all,in the beginning of his book, Humble tells us that it
will cure diseases in 12 hours. How long have you been taking it? Also, I have
read about self diagnosed "detox", "herx", and
"pathogen die-off". I haven't read about any cures. I have read
about better skin, nails, breathing, but that is all subjective. Anyone on the
board been cured of cancer, herpes, AIDs, hepatitis? I haven't read about it. And
as for the 1000's of people cured of Malaria in Africa? I'm a researcher. I
research everything, and I'm good at it. I have spent months trying to find info
on the Malaria cures in Africa. The government of Malawi knows nothing about it.
It isn't in any of the African newspapers. There is no evidence whatsoever,
other than Jim Humble's word."
I will reiterate - there have been no posts on MMS Support Forum of anyone
being cured of cancer or AIDS - yet I know that people with those conditions
have posted on the boards.
You provided some good links to testimonials, but from the hundreds who
cruise the support forum those posting benefits number just a handful while
those posting adverse effects are extensive and when they are posted they are
eventually removed - thereby discouraging and negative feed back.