This is one of my major complaints with all alternative medicine and that is - nobody diagnoses the real cause of death on the death certificate when the alternative junk doesn't work. There can be major adverse reactions to anything that alternative users ingest or apply to themselves, and it is an MD that has to make out the death certificate and they have no way of knowing it was some stupid alternative protocol. It's been discovered many times, but always after the fact.
I do more alternative stuff than many on curezone, but when something doesn't feel right to me - and MMS fits into that category, I don't do it. It's time to call MMS what it is - it's poison.
If it's "effective poison" - then why do so many people get sick? Why aren't there more reports of good results on curezone? How many people will MMS kill before you concede that the harm it does out weighs the good? Of course when it kills people (as if it hasn't already) it won't get reported because no will know and they certainly won't post it on curezone.
There is nothing better than urine therapy which is safe and literally thousands of testimonials and something that has been scientifically investigated for decades. MMS has not been scientifically investigated.
"do you think that your points are a bit over the top... perhaps?
maybe.... take a deep breath and relax, people are not dropping dead. I did UT,
yeah its fine, but I still had parasites... this doesn't have to be an either or
thing. MMS is a tool, not a magic bullet. and your request that I prove a
negative... no one has died is silly unless you can come up with some specific
I got sick last week, at the same time I had a major parasite purge. this week,
same dose, no sickness... My experience disproves your points."
I'm underwhelmed. Just how do you know that no one has died? If Humble treated thousands of people with absolutely no medical follow up to the adverse reactions that he achieved, how can you tell? Your point that "no one has died is silly" is ludicrous. You want me to prove that people have died from it? It is impossible for you to prove that people have not died from it. There is no medical or scientific follow up on those who take MMS. Many, many people on curezone alone report sickness brought on by MMS - myself included. My fever and horrific cold was not a healing reaction.
Raw garlic will kill any parasites that you have - including those in the blood stream - including malaria. And you wouldn't have gotten sick from the parasite purge either. Between UT and garlic you can do any thing that MMS has been claimed to do and even more.
Again, I personally eliminated pre-cancerous skin lesions that I had treated for years by a dermatologist - which healed within 8 months from internal UT (no topical). You can find many testimonials of cancer cures with UT - but you can't find one with MMS. There have been claims that MMS cures claims and cancer and the MMS Support Forum has had visitors with those conditions and not one has returned to the board as "cured."
If you had have gotten sick from allopathic medicine in your parasite purge you would have called your doctor a quack.
MMS may be a tool but it is being touted as a magic bullet by many on curezone.
Here's just a few testimonials from UT:
Show me something comparable for MMS.
"well i'm glad you are here to tell me what protocal I should and should not follow. perhaps you should look for employment with the FDA. Frankly I enjoy the freedom I have to make my own choices. Until you provide examples of someone dying from MMS, I'm afraid your point lacks credibility. I'm not selling MMS, so I don't have any obligation to prove its safety. I am satisfied enough to use it myself, so far with very good results."
It's the MMS Support Forum where you get all the advice on what you're doing wrong and how to and how not to take MMS and for what conditions. If you're satisfied with it - keep doing it. This is a debate forum and I get to tell of my experiences with it too.
My point on people dying from MMS lacks credibility? I think you've been very well programmed.
Actually, we have a lot of similar approaches to personal care. Like you, I like to be in charge of my own health destiny. There are times that I have some pretty high paid consultants but in the end the choices are mine alone.
Have a healthy journey.
"Personally I tried garlic, both raw cloves and supplemental garlic and can't say it did much for me but you'll notice I'm not on some crusade against garlic (or UT) because they've been helpful to others and WHAT WORKS FOR ONE PERSON MAY NOT WORK FOR ANOTHER."
My initial run with garlic was that it kills prostate cancer in the Petri dish. Having had prostate cancer I really got into garlic and when I'm consistent with it - I don't get colds. I went for more than three years without a head cold or the flu - until I quit taking garlic and within about three months got a cold. Before garlic colds were 2 and 3 times a year event and flu was at least every other year. Haven't had the flu in over 10 years. As for parasites, I should have them by the gross from my extensive time in Asia, Mexico, Russia, and the cancer which has not been allopathically treated. Per Hulda Clark I should be swimming in liver flukes.
My point regarding death and MMS goes beyond that statement. The point being that there is no medical follow up on anyone taking MMS - so we don't know what kind of adverse reactions there have been.
Here's an excellent portion of a post on another thread of this board:
"First of all,in the beginning of his book, Humble tells us that it
will cure diseases in 12 hours. How long have you been taking it? Also, I have
read about self diagnosed "detox", "herx", and
"pathogen die-off". I haven't read about any cures. I have read
about better skin, nails, breathing, but that is all subjective. Anyone on the
board been cured of cancer, herpes, AIDs, hepatitis? I haven't read about it. And
as for the 1000's of people cured of Malaria in Africa? I'm a researcher. I
research everything, and I'm good at it. I have spent months trying to find info
on the Malaria cures in Africa. The government of Malawi knows nothing about it.
It isn't in any of the African newspapers. There is no evidence whatsoever,
other than Jim Humble's word."
I will reiterate - there have been no posts on MMS Support Forum of anyone being cured of cancer or AIDS - yet I know that people with those conditions have posted on the boards.
You provided some good links to testimonials, but from the hundreds who cruise the support forum those posting benefits number just a handful while those posting adverse effects are extensive and when they are posted they are eventually removed - thereby discouraging and negative feed back.