It is no myth. Vaccines are dangerous and potentially deadly. I took my daughter to be vaccinated. They gave her multiple vaccinations.She screamed a blood curdling scream.
She started throwing herself down on the ground and began banging her head on the pavement. She screamed for a year. Her eye contact stopped that day. She quit talking. Her coordination diminished. She began having bowel problems. She is diagnosed with Autism. Vaccines are directly responsible for SIDS deaths and vaccines can trigger Autism. They will blame you for smothering your child but it is really the vaccines. They will say it is your genetics that caused the Autism but it is only partially true. Most Autism is triggered by vaccines. Vaccines stress the immune system and provide an opportunity for mercury, aluminum, and lead to move through the blood brain barrier and stick there. The brain rewires itself but it is through a convoluted path. The result is Autism and other neurological health problems. 1 in 80 children are affected by Autism. Who knows how many have other neurological problems stemming from vaccines. It might be closer to the truth to say how many are not damaged in some way from introducing hundreds of toxins directly into the blood?
The intimidators are the vaccinators. Not the other way around.