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Re: any President who doesn't get me blown up on his watch...gets an "A"
Zoebess Views: 1,260
Published: 17 y
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Re: any President who doesn't get me blown up on his watch...gets an "A"

Nope, I'm not paranoid enough to think
that I am not blown up specifically because
George Bush has "saved" me from being blown up.

I am more concerned by the government's
response to events than I am to being
terrorized by a specific ethnic group.

I give Bush an A also for destroying our
reputation so that NOW there is a level
of ill will towards Americans which did
not exist before his administration began
to exert its empire-building agenda. It
is claimed that Bush wanted to invade Iraq
before he took office. The 9-11 event was
just a ruse. A lie to jumpstart the war
machine. I was by Fort Bragg when the military
invaded Iraq. Supposedly, the military was
told it was going to be a 2 week mission.
I said no way, we will not be out of there
in less than a year or more. Now we are
going into our 6th year. It has yet to
become a hot topic on the news each night.

I suppose you are one of those
who continue to think we can WIN~!

Anyway, is that the best this administration
had to offer?? That we were not blown up??
What do you propose to do to keep yourself
safe from another false flag event?? Are
you still going to throw A's at Bush when
he bombs Iran?? I have serious doubts that
even you matter when it comes to sacrificing
whoever and whatever he needs to in order
to promote the plans of globalist leaders. He
is quick to please foreign nationals and
has little will to pay attention to the
citizens of his own nation who he swore an
allegiance to. He is a pathetic president.

...and the beat goes on...can you hear
the war drums?? Bush is salivating...

And like Oh was saying, report cards do not
tell the whole story. You can give Bush A's
in many subjects, none of which have served
to preserve the American way of life. No, by
now, even I can see that he is a part of a
bigger picture which includes dissolving our
borders and obscuring the vision of the
American people.

Of course you will see in the man you voted
for, what you want to see. I do not want to
be guilty of being so naive that I do not
see Bush for who he is either. Pretty in
pink, but oh, the stink...





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