The dewormer killed the Tapeworms and the Seasalt water flush cleaned them out.
Good idea, because when you do parasite cleansing, it is vital to get the colon cleaned throughout.. so the dead worms can exit quickly and less toxin buildup results.
I'm off from work today and did a Sea Salt water flush this morning myself!
It really is a very cleansing thing to do at least once a month. Not only does it clean the colon, but it also cleans the intestines starting from the top to bottom.
I found out about the Sea Salt Flush over at Crusader Health Alerts.
You use two perfectly level teaspoons of Sea Salt in one quart tepid to warm water. Let dissolve and drink. Don't sip, but don't chug down quick either.
Stick around the bathroom because within a few minutes, you'll have the urge!