Re: question the utility of political philosophy for the practice of politics
Well good! Then you can see that neo conservative has nothing to do with real american conservatives! Then you must also admit that the term itself is a construct of double think! As you can see although they claim they are no longer considered liberals there basis for their beleifs lie in the liberal/socailist foundation of big governement anti constitutional globalist agenda and never where connected to a small government states rights non interventionist conservative Americans! No more then the Christian Zionists are conservative!!
Willim Krystal for intance may hide behind the o called apolitical doctrine of Strausian philosophy he incorporates machevelian darwinian and hegelain techniques none of which are true American conservative values!
Since the adoption of the federal reserve and the marxian tax syytem true constitutional conservatives repulican or democratic are either assassinated or vaporized by the media the new voice of big brother liberalism!
The term neocon minimalizes the true American conservative who would not allow the distruction of thier country through taxes multiculturalism industrial flight or war!
This is a perfect scenerio for the PTB in that the public cannot distinguish a true american from a globalist!
One can use the term neo conservative but you may as well say war is peace and hate is love!
And if you repeat such mantras long enough they start to make sense to the indoctrinated!
Just look at what the numbered comrade has done to attempt to connect Christianity and communism!