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Boldyloxx, re: Thrush, candida, mercury
fledgling Views: 1,237
Published: 17 y

Boldyloxx, re: Thrush, candida, mercury

I was searching the word, 'Thrush', and came upon a post where you say...

"When one has MERCURY in the body - any amount of FLOUR will cause YEAST infections and CANDIDAs in the body. You will find your throat getting scratchy a lot. That could be Throat THRUSH -- which is the yeast acting up in your throat.

Yogurt, or gargling with raw applecider vinegar will help soothe it.

Raw ginger cut up in tea will also greatly help."

[The capital letters are mine.]

First...I did not know that these patches of sore, weeping skin in the folds of my body were called Thrush...or that they were Candida-related!

...And, I have been hanging around these forums for quite a while!

I had heard that Candida may overgrow in an attempt to cover mercury and protect us.

I have mercury Amalgams that are now beginning to fall out. I've not had the cash to have them replaced...if that helps.

I also have been trying to 'walk the middle line', eating only small or moderate amounts of sugars, as they occur in front of me in day-to-day life...the same with starches. How can 'moderation' be so wrong?

Today, I realize that even dairy products contain sugars...lactose!

My education is taking a giant leap today.

Thank you so much!



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