Re: How many buggies?
The only "health" thing that garlic did for me might be unbelievable to you.
When I was much younger, I would go backpacking in the mountains. The mosquitoes were horrible. I would always take cloves of garlic with me to chew on. Did nothing to the mosquitoes. You know what did? Quit guessing? Well, I noticed while I was cooking that the mosquitoes went for just about everything. Maybe just for curiosity. It was the tomatoes that they avoided. I only had 2 tomatoes with me. No matter, I was still going to eat them. I took the skin or the end peace of the tomato I had just cut. I rubbed it on my neck, ears and arms. Amazing. No more pesky mosquitoes.
I have tried other oxygen therapies. There are numerous other therapies I've tried through the years. I feel like a lab rat. I just felt
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement deserved a trial. It's documentation seemed to indicate that it went beyond oxygen/ozone therapy and faster.
I had one vomit episode. I felt much better after that. I've had several diarrhea episodes. No matter there either. I have prayed for diarrhea numerous times in my life of constant constipation. I'm done with that now.