Officially ended my fast on day 35
I have officially ended my fast at 12:16am on my 35th day of fasting. I successfully went 34 days without eating any solid foods. I ended my fast with a bowl of homemade 100% organic vegetable soup. I ended my fast because my body for 2 days straight was having intense cravings to eat everything in sight. I had no official length in which to do my fast, but I am definitely pleased with 34 days. I went through a lot of different periods in that time (mostly positive). I have more energy, more stamina, feel healthier, weigh about 33
pounds less, sleep better, and had a real positive fasting period.
I thank everyone on this forum for there insight and support in helping people to get through such a rewarding experience. This site helped me personally in many aspects of my fast. I definitely think that my fast would have been more difficult if I did not have this forum to come to and gain knowledge, share knowledge, and hear from other people doing the same when there is so many others in the world that would consider fasting crazy, stupid, wrong, and etc. I heard all the negative comments throughout my 34 days, but none of those people have ever tried it so of course I didn't listen to them. After doing this myself I can gladly say this is one of the healthiest things I can do for my body and one of the best experiences I have had in my life. I will definitely continue to fast from time to time in the future.
Thank you again to everyone that has posted to this forum.
I will come by from time to time to share, gain, and learn knowledge on fasting.
Later norbs