Re: healers who share
in principle I agree with this... it sounds alot like the work of dr. emoto and homeopathy, and some of the work referenced by Greg Braden in the Divine Matrix. Where he makes reference to the DNA in the blood donated by soldiers 300 miles away still responded to thier emotions.
So yeah... take a sample of blood or saliva... and be able to see what illness there is and where I am vibrating.
Water holds vibrations... and intentions. As prooven by the work of dr. emoto
Next you create an antiwave... that will break up the given pathegens.
Now I totally believe in this work, and I know it can help to get rid of the Candida and other afflictions. But I have yet to see it work, so I am still a skeptic. Tell ya what... get one of the most infected people here a free trial or something like that... probably sans sucre from the sounds of things. And if he responds then I will believe... but until then I feel there are better proven methods. IE ozone, ph rebalancing, raw food diet, colloidial silver